From October 13th to the 27th, 2014, HENRI premiered at the Smith Center for Performing Arts in Las Vegas, Nevada. HENRI, featuring a cast of actors ranging from age 8 to 80, follows the life of a musician from childhood to old age. Sprat Artistic Ensemble, in collaboration with the Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, presented Henri, an intimate theatre experience about the beauty and complexity of Alzheimer’s and aging. Henri featured a cast ranging in age from 8 to 80. United, they create a composition of moments, feelings, and images from the title character’s life.Thanks to a grant from Nevada Humanities, talk backs with leaders in Alzheimer’s research and treatment followed each performance.
Sprat Artistic Ensemble is a multi-generational ensemble under the artistic direction of Ryan Elisabeth Reid that uses interdisciplinary artistic approaches and community partnerships to tell the stories of those who have been marginalized.